Come Do Life With Us!

Life Church is a welcoming family of Christ followers serving God and the community around us.


At Life Church, we welcome you into a friendly, casual environment by people who are excited to see you. Together, we strive to become the people God made us to be. Just come as you are and find out what God has in store for you!

Gather With Us
Sundays at 9:00 & 11:00 AM

Prayer Meeting
First Wednesdays at 7:00 PM

Life Youth
Sundays at 6:00 PM

Hello friends.

We are excited to invite you to a community of people who love Jesus and love you. Whether you are searching for a church home or simply exploring the claims of Christ and faith in general, we invite you to come and be a part of what is happening at Life Church. We are a people who are adventurously expectant of what God is doing and will do in our lives and the community around us. Whether you attend in person or online, you will find this church to be a welcoming place for you, your family and friends, regardless of what you have been through or are going through in life.  

There is a place for you here at Life Church.

Pastors Matt & Sarah Blankenship

Sunday Series

God Behind the Scenes

A Message series on the book of Esther

At LIFE KIDS, we are passionate about creating an atmosphere where kids experience God in a way they will never forget. Parents, you have the freedom to worship in the Sunday gathering while your kids are safe and secure praising God, meeting new friends, and learning God’s Word each week.

Foster & Adoption Care

Want to learn how to foster or adopt, or looking to connect with other foster/adoptive parents?

Our God is “Father to the fatherless” (Psalm 68:5), and He commands his church to care for widows and orphans (James 1:27). Our Foster & Adopt Care exists to wrap around families who choose to follow this command and open their homes to receive the wonderful blessing of loving children who need a stable home.

Become a Kingdom Builder

God is on the move at Life Church! He is building His Church and we get to be a part of His great plans. To join in on this great move of God, we invite you to become a Kingdom Builder. What is a Kingdom Builder? Simply put, it is the person who says I will join in building the church alongside Jesus Christ with my time, gifts and finances.